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Microsoft Windows Help File Content  |  1998-04-02  |  15KB  |  233 lines

  1. :Base mybc32.hlp>Main
  2. :Title Business Cards
  3. :Index TechSupp=TechSupp.hlp
  4. 1 Getting Started
  5. 2 Introduction=Introduction@mybc32.hlp>Main
  6. 2 Locating the Additional Clipart=LocatingtheAdditionalFontsandClipart@mybc32.hlp>Main
  7. 2 Starting Business Cards
  8. 3 Overview of Starting Business Cards=StartingBusinessCards@mybc32.hlp>Main
  9. 3 Starting the Program in Windows 95=StartingthePrograminWindows95@mybc32.hlp>Main
  10. 3 Starting the Program in Windows 3.1=StartingthePrograminWindows3.1@mybc32.hlp>Main
  11. 2 Selecting a Start-Up Option
  12. 3 Overview of Selecting a Start-Up Option=SelectingaStart.UpOption@mybc32.hlp>Main
  13. 2 Learning the Basics
  14. 3 Overview of Learning the Basics=LearningtheBasics@mybc32.hlp>Main
  15. 3 Step 1: Entering Your Company Information=Step1.EnteringYourCompanyInformation@mybc32.hlp>Main
  16. 3 Step 2: Selecting the Background and Layout=Step2.SelectingtheBackgroundandLayout@mybc32.hlp>Main
  17. 3 Step 3: Customizing Your Business Card=Step3.CustomizingYourBusinessCard@mybc32.hlp>Main
  18. 3 Step 4: Printing Your Business Card=Step4.PrintingYourBusinessCard@mybc32.hlp>Main
  19. 2 About Business Card Stock
  20. 3 Overview of About Business Card Stock=AboutBusinessCardStock@mybc32.hlp>Main
  21. 3 Using Printable Designs=UsingPrintableDesigns@mybc32.hlp>Main
  22. 3 Using Specialty Papers=UsingSpecialtyPapers@mybc32.hlp>Main
  23. 2 Getting Help
  24. 3 Overview of Getting Help=GettingHelp@mybc32.hlp>Main
  25. 3 Using Online Help=UsingOnlineHelp@mybc32.hlp>Main
  26. 3 Using Tool Tips=UsingToolTips@mybc32.hlp>Main
  27. 3 Using the Status Bar=UsingtheStatusBar@mybc32.hlp>Main
  28. 1 Setting Up Your Business Card Project
  29. 2 Overview of Setting Up Your Project=OverviewofSettingUpYourProject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  30. 2 Starting a New Business Card Project
  31. 3 Overview of Starting a New Business Card Project=StartingaNewBusinessCardProject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  32. 3 Entering Your Company Information=EnteringYourCompanyInformation@mybc32.hlp>Main
  33. 3 Adding Information for More than One Person=AddingInformationforMorethanOnePerson@mybc32.hlp>Main
  34. 2 Selecting the Background and Layout
  35. 3 Overview of Selecting the Background and Layout=SelectingtheBackgroundandLayout@mybc32.hlp>Main
  36. 3 Selecting a Professional Layout=SelectingaProfessionalLayout@mybc32.hlp>Main
  37. 3 Selecting the Background Design=SelectingtheBackgroundDesign@mybc32.hlp>Main
  38. 2 Changing the Layout and Background Design
  39. 3 Overview of Changing the Layout and Background Design=ChangingtheLayoutandBackgroundDesign@mybc32.hlp>Main
  40. 3 Selecting from the Change Design Palette=SelectingfromtheChangeDesignPalette@mybc32.hlp>Main
  41. 2 Changing the Company Information
  42. 3 Overview of Changing the Company Information=ChangingtheCompanyInformation@mybc32.hlp>Main
  43. 2 Naming and Saving a Business Card Project
  44. 3 Overview of Naming and Saving a Business Card Project=NamingandSavingaBusinessCardProject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  45. 3 Saving Your Business Card Project=SavingYourBusinessCardProject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  46. 2 Opening a Business Card Project
  47. 3 Overview of Opening a Business Card Project=OpeningaBusinessCardProject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  48. 2 Closing a Business Card Project
  49. 3 Overview of Closing a Business Card Project=ClosingaBusinessCardProject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  50. 1 Setting Up Your Work Space
  51. 2 Overview of Setting Up Your Work Space=OverviewofSettingUpYourWorkSpace@mybc32.hlp>Main
  52. 2 Choosing the View of Your Business Card Project=ChoosingtheViewofYourBusinessCardProject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  53. 2 Moving Between Sides=MovingBetweenSides@mybc32.hlp>Main
  54. 2 Increasing Design and Editing Speed=IncreasingDesignandEditingSpeed@mybc32.hlp>Main
  55. 2 Making More Space on the Screen
  56. 3 Overview of Making More Space on the Screen=MakingMoreSpaceontheScreen@mybc32.hlp>Main
  57. 3 Hiding or Showing the Rulers=HidingorShowingtheRulers@mybc32.hlp>Main
  58. 3 Hiding or Showing the Toolbar=HidingorShowingtheToolbar@mybc32.hlp>Main
  59. 3 Moving the Toolbar in Windows 95=MovingtheToolbarinWindows95@mybc32.hlp>Main
  60. 3 Hiding or Showing the Status Bar=HidingorShowingtheStatusBar@mybc32.hlp>Main
  61. 3 Hiding or Showing Non-Printing Characters=HidingorShowingNon.PrintingCharacters@mybc32.hlp>Main
  62. 1 Adding Text
  63. 2 Overview of Adding Text=OverviewofAddingText@mybc32.hlp>Main
  64. 2 Creating a Text Frame
  65. 3 Overview of Creating a Text Frame=CreatingaTextFrame@mybc32.hlp>Main
  66. 3 Drawing a Text Frame=DrawingaTextFrame@mybc32.hlp>Main
  67. 3 Typing in a Text Frame=TypinginaTextFrame@mybc32.hlp>Main
  68. 3 Selecting, Moving, and Resizing a Text Frame=Selecting.Moving.andResizingaTextFrame@mybc32.hlp>Main
  69. 3 Showing or Hiding a Text Frame=ShowingorHidingaTextFrame@mybc32.hlp>Main
  70. 3 Changing the Border of a Text Frame=ChangingtheBorderofaTextFrame@mybc32.hlp>Main
  71. 3 Deleting a Text Frame=DeletingaTextFrame@mybc32.hlp>Main
  72. 2 Rotating a Text Frame
  73. 3 Overview of Rotating a Text Frame=RotatingaTextFrame@mybc32.hlp>Main
  74. 3 Typing in a Rotated Text Frame=TypinginaRotatedTextFrame@mybc32.hlp>Main
  75. 2 Importing Text
  76. 3 Overview of Importing Text=ImportingText@mybc32.hlp>Main
  77. 2 Creating a Bulleted List
  78. 3 Overview of Creating a Bulleted List=CreatingaBulletedList@mybc32.hlp>Main
  79. 3 Adding Bullets=AddingBullets@mybc32.hlp>Main
  80. 3 Changing the Bullet Size or Style=ChangingtheBulletSizeorStyle@mybc32.hlp>Main
  81. 3 Deleting Bullets=DeletingBullets@mybc32.hlp>Main
  82. 2 Adding Special Characters
  83. 3 Overview of Adding Special Characters=AddingSpecialCharacters@mybc32.hlp>Main
  84. 1 Editing Text
  85. 2 Overview of Editing Text=OverviewofEditingText@mybc32.hlp>Main
  86. 2 Text Editing Basics
  87. 3 Overview of Text Editing Basics=TextEditingBasics@mybc32.hlp>Main
  88. 3 Selecting Text=SelectingText@mybc32.hlp>Main
  89. 3 Adding, Removing, Copying, and Moving Text=Adding.Removing.Copying.andMovingText@mybc32.hlp>Main
  90. 3 Undoing Commands in Windows 95=UndoingCommandsinWindows951@mybc32.hlp>Main
  91. 2 Changing Fonts and Text Attributes
  92. 3 Overview of Changing Fonts and Text Attributes=ChangingFontsandTextAttributes@mybc32.hlp>Main
  93. 3 Using the Toolbar to Change Text Attributes=UsingtheToolbartoChangeTextAttributes@mybc32.hlp>Main
  94. 3 Changing Several Text Attributes at Once=ChangingSeveralTextAttributesatOnce@mybc32.hlp>Main
  95. 3 Changing Character Spacing=ChangingCharacterSpacing@mybc32.hlp>Main
  96. 2 Aligning Text
  97. 3 Overview of Aligning Text=AligningText@mybc32.hlp>Main
  98. 3 Changing the Text Alignment=ChangingtheTextAlignment@mybc32.hlp>Main
  99. 3 Changing the Line Spacing=ChangingtheLineSpacing@mybc32.hlp>Main
  100. 3 Setting Indents=SettingIndents@mybc32.hlp>Main
  101. 2 Checking Your Spelling
  102. 3 Overview of Checking Your Spelling=CheckingYourSpelling@mybc32.hlp>Main
  103. 3 Customizing the Dictionary=CustomizingtheDictionary@mybc32.hlp>Main
  104. 1 Working with Graphics
  105. 2 Overview of Working with Graphics=OverviewofWorkingwithGraphics@mybc32.hlp>Main
  106. 2 Drawing Lines and Shapes
  107. 3 Overview of Drawing Lines and Shapes=DrawingLinesandShapes@mybc32.hlp>Main
  108. 3 Applying Colors, Fills, and Outlines=ApplyingColors.Fills.andOutlines@mybc32.hlp>Main
  109. 2 Selecting Clipart
  110. 3 Overview of Selecting Clipart=SelectingClipart@mybc32.hlp>Main
  111. 3 Placing Clipart on your Business Card Project=PlacingClipartonyourBusinessCardProject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  112. 3 Cropping a Graphic=CroppingaGraphic@mybc32.hlp>Main
  113. 3 Using Photographs in Your Business Card Project=UsingPhotographsinYourBusinessCardProject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  114. 3 How Clipart Images are Saved=HowClipartImagesareSaved@mybc32.hlp>Main
  115. 2 Graphics Editing Basics
  116. 3 Overview of Graphics Editing Basics=GraphicsEditingBasics@mybc32.hlp>Main
  117. 3 Selecting an Object=SelectinganObject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  118. 3 Moving an Object=MovinganObject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  119. 3 Resizing an Object=ResizinganObject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  120. 3 Rotating an Object=RotatinganObject@mybc32.hlp>Main
  121. 3 Graphics Editing Commands=GraphicsEditingCommands@mybc32.hlp>Main
  122. 3 Undoing Commands in Windows 95=UndoingCommandsinWindows952@mybc32.hlp>Main
  123. 2 Aligning and Arranging Objects
  124. 3 Overview of Aligning and Arranging Objects=AligningandArrangingObjects@mybc32.hlp>Main
  125. 3 Aligning Objects Using Rulers and Guidelines=AligningObjectsUsingRulersandGuidelines@mybc32.hlp>Main
  126. 3 Aligning Objects Using the Alignment Palette=AligningObjectsUsingtheAlignmentPalette@mybc32.hlp>Main
  127. 2 Changing the Stacking Order
  128. 3 Overview of Changing the Stacking Order=ChangingtheStackingOrder@mybc32.hlp>Main
  129. 1 Using Text and Graphics from Other Programs
  130. 2 Overview of Using Text and Graphic